Monday, August 13, 2007

The Snake Bite, Ariel Panties and Guilt

It's the most wonderful time of the year (imagine the tune in your head)..........back to school! In reality, we have really had a good summer. We stayed busy most days swimming and hanging out with friends. We are learning new things at our house.......

Sophie is the proud owner of a new pack of Ariel panties and is working hard not to "pee pee on Ariel" (her words)!

I am learning not to panic! Macklin brought Sophie to me the other day with three small cuts on the back of her leg. When I asked Sophie (who was not crying or upset) what happened she replied "the snake bit me". Well, needless to say, it shocked me at first until about two seconds later I figured out that the hinged wooden TOY snake had pinched her!

My big kids are really learning things about life.....the other day Elijah said he felt guilty because he talked back to his Dad. Macklin asked "What is feeling guilty?" she thought for a few seconds and then said "It is when you feel bad when you have done something wrong." Pretty good maybe one day she will feel it :) !

We are excited about the kid's teachers this year......Macklin has Mrs. Smith (EBZ had her for K and 1st) and Elijah has Mrs. Dunn, who moved up with her third grade class to fourth grade. Sophie will start the two year old class at CLC and I will be teaching a Pre-K class.

Dann is going to teach voice lessons at the Academy of the Arts @FBC on Monday nights. If any of you all know of any one looking for lessons let me or him or Vicki (459-3311) know. (I know it's a shameless plug but who knows?).

So, we are gearing up for an exciting school if will only feel like fall! My prayer for my children this school year is that they will learn much, have fun and (as I tell them every morning) make their teachers glad to see them!

By the way........the princess did plenty of chores this summer :)!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Gwen Oatsvall said...

glad the snake wasn't real ... can you say freak out ... love the family photos from vacation ...